Pantothenic Acid – The Vitamin Found Everywhere In Body Cells

Pantothenic acid is also known as vitamin B5 and is a component of coenzyme A (CoA) which in turn is a component of Acetyl CoA which is part of both energy producing pathways and biosynthetic pathways. The vitamin is formed from pyruvate which is a three component compound that is the result of the glycolytic break down of glucose which is the primary energy source for the brain. The vitamin also begins the citric acid cycle, is also a key building block of fatty acids, and is a precursor of ketone bodies. This vitamin whose name derived from the Greek word pantos which means everywhere can be found throughout all living cells.

Pantothenic Acid Molecule

Pantothenic Acid 3D Molecule

Dietary Recommendations

And adequate intake level is set for this vitamin at 5 milligrams/day for adults aged 19-50.

Vitamin Sources

Sources of the vitamin are beef, broccoli, chicken, egg yolk, kidney, liver, oats, potatoes, tomato products, yeast, and whole grains, although there are widespread sources of the vitamin throughout the food supply, the vitamin is plentiful.

The vitamin is easily damaged by freezing and canning as can processing and refining grains.

Vitamin B5 Sources

Mushrooms Pantothenic Acid Food Pantothenic Acid Foods

Vitamin Deficiency

Deficiencies are rare and virtually nonexistent.

Vitamin Toxicity

Toxicity is extremely low and virtually nonexistent.

For more information about pantothenic acid click on the link to

For other information on nutrition, and vitamins in particular some great references are:

• Nutrition – Fourth Edition by Paul Insel, Don Ross, Kimberley McMahon, and Melissa Bernstein

Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Vitamin B Complex
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
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